Pidgin Signs









Those who surround you and give you a feeling of security and love.

No matter what the biological relation if any, these are the people you can always turn to.



















The quiet enjoyed when everything/everyone is at rest.

This is not the absence of sound but the lack of disarray.

The creation of something ordered from the chaos surrounding it.  















The caring and compassion that leads to strong feelings of loyalty and unity.

There are multiple kinds of love: physical, romantic, platonic, familal, and many others not listed.

Physical or sexual love is the feelings assoicated with physical desire.

Romantic love is the intimate and strong feelings of affection bewteen two people.

Platonic love can be described as the non-sexual affection between two people.

Familial love is a type affinity or natural affection felt between members of a group bound by common ancestry or blood ties I feel that this should also include people who are obonded through frendship.

While there are different types of love they are not exclusive of each other and can be related to one onther.



















Being at peace with my surroundings.