Ad Art


When this series of ads came out in the 1990s, the main idea of fast food was to grab a quick burger and fries. There were chicken sandwiches on the market from the larger fast food chains like Wendy's and McDonalds but they were uninspired. The chicken sandwiches were just plain and flavorless additions to the burger menu. Then the cows came out. The cows address the public's new growing concern with the hamburger-only diet. This ad series is great in that it grabs the attention of the customer and makes them laugh, which puts the idea of the cows in their head. On a darker note, putting the picture of a cow in correlation with the burger that people are eating may put some people off the idea of the burger.    


In today's society, pretty much everyone knows the cows and their different mottos. These ads have appeared in print media, on TV, and on billboards across the Chick-Fil-A territory. They have become and assimilated part of society and their image has been used others to "spoof" the ads. Like these below:



I think that the chicken cows could be made into an art film just by the vertue that anything can be art in modern society.